Cambodia 2024 - Day 4 Tuesday

Good evening friends and family,

Today we performed a variety of procedures from spine, to hip, to knee. Dr. Ray performed a laminectomy (spinal surgery) today while training local doctors. Dr. Hsin conducted the hip core decompression on Jessica who we highlighted on Sunday. We got to check in with her post-op and she was in good spirits. She told us she was awake during the procedure which she said was a relief to her because she was able to understand what was happening. Dr. Hsin was in the room but more hands off on today’s ACL procedures as the local doctors began to take over. 

Story of the Day

Today’s final procedure of the day was an arthrolysis quadriceps Z-plasty (knee surgery). The young man that received this procedure was in a motorcycle accident 8 years ago. He received surgery immediately following the accident on his knee but it healed improperly resulting in almost complete loss of mobility.

When we did intake with him on Sunday his range of motion for his left knee was limited to 5 degrees. After today’s procedure he now has over 90 degrees of mobility in his left knee. It will take time for this to heal and for him to regain this mobility after 8 years of not having it, but this is a huge improvement! This procedure is life changing for this man as he is a farmer and has been severely limited in his occupation without use of his left knee.

Our team is excited to check in with him tomorrow to see how post-op recovery is going.

Today’s Stats

  • 1 laminectomy and decompression (spine) performed 

  • 1 Hip CORE decompression and bone marrow aspiration performed 

  • 1 ACL performed 

  • 1 Arthrolysis Quadriceps Z-plasty performed 

  • 5 intakes conducted

Thank you as always for supporting our work. We appreciate all your thoughts and prayers!